Alexander Zeitler

Hello, again...

Published on Tuesday, November 19, 2024

After leaving social media, I've decided to post stuff, that I would have posted on social media so far, in a new blog category named "TIL" ("Today I Learned").

The category will start as a feed only, but I'll create some HTML for it soon-ish.

Maybe I'll expand this to include thoughts as well.

And maybe, we'll get back to Pingbacks some day.

Another advantage besides peace of mind: my content is mine again (aside from greedy AI scrapers).


The TIL posts are available in your browser now.

What are your thoughts about
"Hello, again..."?
Drop me a line - I'm looking forward to your feedback!
Please be aware that I'm no longer active on social media. I'm just cross posting things over there (it's a bot).
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